Primary section: + 32  |  Secondary section: + 32

Primary section meal

Fresh, seasonal, organic and regional products

For the meals served to our pupils, we have opted for quality in the products offered and the common sense of school catering:

  1. prioritize fruits and vegetables;
  2. offer a healthy diet;
  3. eliminate food waste.

Our meals are prepared and delivered by API: Click here to see the menus

1st hot-meal day: last Monday in August of each year

The hot meal includes: soup, meal, bottle of water and dessert.
The cost per meal is €4.50 for the primary section and €5.00 for the secondary section.

All-you-can-eat soup, without hot meal, free of charge

Until the end of September, your child can eat on credit.

You will then receive an information letter to fund your child’s meal account.

The structured communication mentioned on this letter, which is linked to your child’s identity, will always remain the same and must be respected.

3 days after your payment, the electronic tickets are charged to the child in our computer system.
Don’t wait until the last day to order tickets again.

Electronic hot meal tickets are valid for the duration of your child’s studies at our school.

Your old paper tickets remain valid.

Hot meal reservations are made in class, every day before 10:00 a.m., for the meal to be eaten the following day.

NB: please keep a calendar and count your electronic tickets.