Primary section: + 32  |  Secondary section: + 32

Terms and conditions of payment

1. The various expenses incurred by the student during the school year (hot meals, school activities, photocopying, sales of objects, etc.) are invoiced.
The invoice is dated and indicates the nature of the goods or services provided, the quantity and the price.
2. In the absence of any objection within 15 days of receipt of the invoice, the invoice and our general terms and conditions of payment shall be deemed to have been accepted without reservation.
3. All invoices are payable within 15 days of receipt.
4. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, a first reminder will be sent.
5. In the event of non-payment after the first reminder, and a second reminder by ordinary mail, a registered letter will be sent and the outstanding amount will automatically bear interest on arrears without formal notice.

6. All trip cancellations must be covered by a medical certificate.
7. If, within a period of fifteen days following dispatch of the formal notice by registered letter to the post office, the debtor remains in default, the amount of the claim will be further increased by 10%, with a minimum of 25 euros, by way of flat-rate compensation for additional administrative costs, debtor monitoring and financial disruption.
8. The debtor will be put in default by the mere expiry of the term, without further formality.
9. All recoveries and all disputes relating to the invoice shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Mons.